This article is an output of what I learned through the Privacy and Scaling Explorations (PSE) Learning Grant Program. I am very grateful for such an opportunity. And I would like to express my gratitude to everyone at PSE who gave me feedback on writing the article.
Many of the articles currently available explaining the MPC Wallet only go as far as explaining how the MPC Wallet functions from a high-level perspective. As a result, even users who are not familiar with software development or cryptography can understand what kind of concept the MPC Wallet is.
On the other hand, many misunderstandings arise among the general public because the explanations in these articles are vague.
Also, there are also many articles that exaggerate as if one proposal is vulnerable, in order to appeal that their proposal is superior.
In this article, we will help you correctly understand the MPC Wallet through detailed explanations about the technology in order to dispel these misunderstandings.
The True Identity of MPC Wallet is "Threshold Signature"
What is often referred to as MPC Wallet in public, is actually a technology known as Threshold Signature.
The history of threshold signatures dates back to 1987[1]. The underlying Threshold Cryptography is a method that allows for the signing and encryption of messages in a situation where keys are distributed among several parties. To put it more bluntly, it's not about carefully managing one key, but rather having one key and multiple key-shares so it's okay if one of the share is leaked.
Particularly, Threshold ECDSA is attracting attention among threshold signatures, and the reason is obviously Bitcoin and Ethereum. Many blockchains adopt ECDSA signatures as their signature algorithm, and signatures are required to execute a transaction. Blockchains also have the property of having no key lifecycle because the account address is deterministically determined by the public key, and financial damage of Hundreds of millions of dollars can occur instantaneously due to the key's criticality.
By the way, it only recently started to be called MPC Wallet, and in an article by ZenGo in November 2019, it was referred to as "Threshold Wallet". Indeed, the term MPC Wallet feels more familiar, but it is an abstract term, and it is a word that can give users the impression of "I don't really understand, but it seems somehow safe".
Related Works on Threshold ECDSA
The first proposal of threshold signatures is Gennaro's Threshold DSS Signature (1996)[2], which uses Pedersen's Verifiable Secret Sharing.
MacKenzie and Reiter (2004)[3] proposed a two-party protocol.
Lindell et. al.(2017)[4] proposed a practical protocol that improved MacKenzie's protocol. Later, they extended it to a multi-party protocol (2018)[5].
Many of these methods have used Paillier Encryption or Oblivious Transfer.
Recently, IntMax Wallet has released an FHE-based MPC Wallet. In addition, Coinbase announced Wallet as a Service.
Honest Majority vs Dishonest Majority
In (t, n) threshold signatures, a signature can be restored when t signature shares are collected from n people.
An Honest Majority is a protocol in which more than
A Dishonest Majority is a protocol where there is a possibility that more than
1. ECDSA Signature
The flow of performing an electronic signature on a message
Sign(x, m):
- random
}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{p}$k \stackrel{\ R = g^k mod p r = H(R) s = k^{-1}(m+rx) modp \sigma = (r,s)
2. Additive Homomorphic Encryption
When there are two messages
- from prime number
,p,q n=pq \lambda = LCM(p-1, q-1) }{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{n^2}$g \stackrel{\ \mu = (L(g^{\lambda }mod n^2))^{-1} modn - s.t.
- s.t.
pk = (n, g), sk = (\lambda, \mu)
}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{n^2}$r \stackrel{\ c = g^mr^n modn^2
m = L(c^{\lambda}modn^2)\times\mu modn
3. MtA Protocol
It is a method of converting a multiplicative share
4. Commitment Scheme
It guarantees that the value has not been changed afterwards. There are two characteristics: binding and hiding. Mainly, ElGamal Commitment and Pedersen Commitment are mentioned. An example of Pedersen Commitment is shown below.
- group element
g, h - random
}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{n^2}$r \stackrel{\ - commitment
C = g^ah^r
5. Trapdoor Commitment Scheme
It is about the Commitment Scheme that is information-theoretically secure (satisfies Non-malleability). The probability that an attacker with infinite computational resources succeeds to distinguish that committed message and the random number is negligible.
6. Secret Sharing
This refers to a method of generating a key share that can restore the private key when n are gathered, and distributing it to n parties. The administrator who generates the key and key shares is called a Dealer.
The simplest way is as follows. First, the dealer generates a random t-1 degree polynomial
Ditributed Key Generation (DKG)
However, there are issues with this method depending on the situation. The problem lies in the fact that the dealer knows the private key. If the dealer has malicious intent, they can leak the private key to someone. Or, if the key sharing was eavesdropped on by an adversary, the private key may be leaked even if the key share was securely shared. The solution to this is Distributed Key Generation (DKG). With DKG, you don't need a dealer, and the key share can be generated by the party.
Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS)
However, there is still a problem. The point is that you cannot verify whether the key share received by the party is a share that can restore the private key when t pieces are gathered. The solution to this is Verifiable Secret Sharing (VSS). In VSS, by publishing the commitments of each coefficient of the polynomial that can restore the private key, you can verify whether the key share you generated is included in the points on the polynomial. This can prevent malicious dealers and parties from using fraudulent key shares. VSS is known for methods such as Feldman and Benaloh, and there are also AVSSs that can execute VSS asynchronously. An example of the Feldman method is given below. The Feldman method is very simple, but be careful as it cannot verify that it is t-consistant alone.
p(x)=\sigma + a_1x + a_2x^x + \cdots + a_tx^t modq sk = \sigma
- open
C_0 = g^{\sigma} - open
C_1 = g^{a_1}, \cdots , C_t = g^{a_t} - send
to partiesp(i) P_i
- check if
g^{p(i)} = \prod_{j=0}^{t}C_j^{i^j}
Overview of Threshold ECDSA
To calculate the signature share
The following is a summary of the various methods of Threshold ECDSA. In the Dishonest Majority, Paillier Encryption and Obvious Transfer are trade-offs in computation and communication.
Computation Cost | Communication Cost | Party Majority | |
Shamir Secret Sharing | Low | Low | Honest |
Paillier Encryption | High | Low | Dishonest |
Oblivious Transfer | Low | High | Dishonest |
Honest Majority Protocol
First, to understand the protocol of Threshold ECDSA, we introduce a relatively simple Honest Majority Protocol.
1. Fast Threshold ECDSA with Honest Majority[11]
The method proposed by Ivan et. al. in 2020, uses Shamir Secret Sharing. This proposal has also been adopted in the PoC of Ledger Nano S. Although there are constraints such as not being applicable to 2-out-of-2 or requiring all participants to be online, it is a simple algorithm. The flow of this method's signature is shown below.
In this method, Joint Random Secret Sharing is used for generating shares of
- generates
using Joint Random Secret Sharingx_i y_i = g^{x_i} - sends
to other partiesy_i :f -degree polynomial fort y_i
- computes
y = f(0) = g^x
- generates
using Joint Random Secret Sharingk_i - reveals
R = g^k
- reveals
- computes
using Beaverās Inversion Trick Protocolk^{-1}_i - computes a random
a_i - broadcasts
w_i = a_ik_i :f_w -degree polynomial fort w_i
- computes
w = f_w(0) - computes
k_i^{-1} = a_i \cdot w^{-1}
- computes a random
s_i = k^{-1}_i(m+rx_i)
In this method, it becomes impossible to verify whether the
Dishonest Majority Protocol
Next, I will introduce two protocols that work even if more than half of the participants are dishonest.
1. GG18[6]
The first Malicious Model inspired by Threshold ECDSA from ECDSA Assumptions, and is now one of the mainstream. It is called GG18, taking the initials of the proposers Gennaro and Goldfeder (both very famous cryptographers) and the AD in which the paper was presented. This method uses the Trapdoor Commitment Scheme, Feldmanās VSS, Paillier Encryption, MtA Protocol. It is used in implementations such as Coinbase, Binance, ZenGo. The algorithm of GG18 is shown below.
selectsP_i }{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{p}$u_i \stackrel{\ computesP_i [KGC_i, KGD_i] = Com(g^{u_i}) - Com: Trapdoor Commitment Scheme
- broadcasts
- broadcasts
E_i : Paillierās pkE_i
broadcastsP_i KGD_i - decommit
y_i = g^{u_i} x_i = VSS(u_i) : Feldman-VSS ProtocolVSS
: Shamir Secret Sharingx_i
- pk:
, sk:y = \sum_{i}y_i x = \sum_{i}u_i X_i = g^{x_i}
- decommit
N_i = p_iq_i - prove in ZK that
- he knows
using Shnorr Protocolx_i is square-free using proof of Gennaro, Micciancio, and RabinN_i
- he knows
- prove in ZK that
selectsP_i }{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{p}$k_i,\gamma_i \stackrel{\ (mod p)k = \sum k_i , \gamma = \sum \gamma_i (mod p)k\gamma = \sum k_i\gamma_i , kx = \sum k_iw_i computesP_i [C_i, D_i] = Com(g^{\gamma_i}) broadcastsP_i C_i - binds
to prevent changing afterwards\gamma_i
- binds
engages in two MtA additive share conversion subprotocolsP_i, P_j - run MtA protocol with shares
k_i\gamma_j = \alpha_{ij} + \beta_{ij} setsP_i \delta_i = k_i\gamma_i + \sum_{j\neq i}\alpha_{ij} + \sum_{j \neq i}\beta_{ji} : additive share of\delta_i k\gamma
- run MtA protocol with shares
k_iw_j = \mu_{ij} + \nu_{ij} setsP_i \sigma_i = k_iw_i + \sum_{j \neq i}\mu_{ij} + \sum_{j \neq i}\nu_{ji} : additive share of\sigma_i kx
- run MtA protocol with shares
broadcastsP_i \delta_i - reconstructs
k\gamma - computes
(k\gamma)^{-1} mod p
- reconstructs
broadcastsP_i D_i - decommit
\Gamma_i = g^{\gamma_i} - proves ZK that he knows
using Schnorr Protocol\gamma_i s.t. \Gamma_i = g^{\gamma_i}
- proves ZK that he knows
R = [\prod_{i \in S}\Gamma_i]^{k\gamma^{-1}} = g^{k^{-1}} modp r = H(R)
- decommit
setsP_i s_i = mk_i + r\sigma_i - selects
}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}_{p}$l_i,\rho_i \stackrel{\ - computes
V_i = R^{s_i}g^{l_i} , A_i = g^{\rho_i} , [\hat{C}_i, \hat{D}_i] = Com(V_i, A_i) - commitment of
s_i (mod q)l = \sum l_i , \rho = \sum \rho_i
- commitment of
broadcastsP_i \hat{C_i} broadcastsP_i \hat{D_i} - proves in ZK that he knows
s_i, l_i, \rho_i
- proves in ZK that he knows
V = g^{-m}y^{-r}\prod V_i = g^l A = \prod A_i computesP_i U_i = V^{\rho_i} , T_i = A^{\rho_i} , [\tilde{C}_i, \tilde{D}_i] = Com(U_i, T_i) broadcastsP_i \tilde{C_i} broadcastsP_i \tilde{D_i} - aborts if
\prod [T_i] \neq \prod U_i
- aborts if
broadcastsP_i s_i computesP_i s = \sum s_i - aborts if
is invalid signatures
- aborts if
- selects
In phase5, if you simply share
Therefore, in this proposal, we mask
2. MPC-CMP[8]
MPC-CMP combines GG18 and the Lindell method, adding several features such as Proactive Key Refresh. It uses Paillier Encryption not only as a semi-homomorphic but also as a commitment scheme. As long as Paillier Encryption is semantic-secure, it can satisfy the characteristics of binding and hiding.
- Round1
selectsP_i }{\leftarrow} \mathbb{F}{q}, \rho_i,\nu_i \stackrel{$}{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}{n}$k_i,\gamma_i \stackrel{\ - sets
G_i = enc_i(\gamma_i;\nu_i) , K_i = enc_i(k_i;\rho_i) - computes
for every\psi_{ji}^{0} = M(prove, \prod_J^{enc}, (sid, i), (L_{\epsilon},K_i);(k_i,\rho_i)) jā i - prove in NK that he knows
s.t.k_i without disclosingenc_i(k_i) = K_i k_i,\rho_i
- prove in NK that he knows
- broadcasts
(sid, i, K_i, G_i) - send
to each(sid, i, \psi_{j,i}) P_j
- Round2
- verifies
\psi_{ji}^{0} - sets
\Gamma_i = g^{\gamma_i} - for every
, samplej ā i }{\leftarrow} \mathbb{Z}{n} , \beta{ij}, \hat{\beta}_{i_j} \stackrel{$}{\leftarrow} {J}$r_{ij},s_{ij},\hat{r}_{ij} , \hat{s}_{i_j} \stackrel{\ andD_{ji} = (\gamma_i \odot K_j) \oplus enc_j(-\beta_{ij};s_{ij}) F_{ji} = enc_i(\beta_{ij} ; r_{ij}) :D_{ji} enc_j(\gamma_ik_j - \beta_{ij}) :F_{ji} enc_i(\beta_{ij})
and\hat{D}_{ji} = (x_i \odot K_j) \oplus enc_j(-\hat{\beta}_{ij};\hat{s}_{ij}) \hat{F}_{ji} = enc_i(\hat{\beta_{ij}} ; \hat{r}_{ij}) :\hat{D}_{ji} enc_j(x_ik_j - \hat{\beta}_{ij}) :\hat{F}_{ji} enc_i(\hat{\beta}_{ij})
\psi_{ji} = M(prove, \prod_j^{aff_p},(sid,i),(L_{\epsilon},J_{\epsilon},{D}_{ji},K_j,F_{ji},G_i);(\gamma_i,\beta_{ij},s_{ij},r_{ij},\nu_i)) \hat{\psi}_{ji} = M(prove, \prod_j^{aff_g},(sid,i),(L_{\epsilon},J_{\epsilon},\hat{D}_{ji},K_j,\hat{F}_{ji},X_i);(x_i,\hat{\beta}_{ij},\hat{s}_{ij},\hat{r}_{i,j})) \psi'_{ji} = M(prove, \prod_j^{log},(sid,i),(L_{\epsilon},G_i, \Gamma_i,g);(\gamma_i,\nu_i))
- sends
to each(sid,i,\Gamma_i,D_{ji},F_{j_i},\hat{D}_{ji},\hat{F}_{ji},\psi_{ji},\hat{\psi}_{ji},\psi'_{ji}) P_j
- verifies
- Round3
- verifies
\psi_{ij},\hat{\psi}_{ij},\psi'_{ij} - sets
\Gamma = \prod \Gamma_j , \triangle_i = \Gamma^{k_i} - for every
, do:j \neq i - sets
and\alpha_{ij} = dec_i(D_{ij}) \hat{\alpha} = dec_i(\hat{D}_{ij}) - sets
\delta_i = k_i\gamma_i + \sum_{jā i}\alpha_{ij} + \sum_{jā i}\beta_{ij} - sets
\chi_i = k_ix_i + \sum_{jā i}\hat{\alpha}_{ij} + \sum_{jā i}\hat{\beta}_{ij} \psi''_{ji} = M(prove, \prod_j^{log},(sid,i),(L_{\epsilon},K_i, \triangle_i,\Gamma);(k_i,\rho_i))
- sets
- sends
to each(sid,i,\delta_i,\triangle_i,\psi'') P_j
- verifies
- Output
- verifies
\psi'' - verifies
g^{\delta} = \prod \triangle_j - sets
R = \Gamma^{\delta^{-1}}
- verifies
- sets
r = H(R) - and computes
\sigma_i = k_im + r\chi_i
- and computes
- broadcasts
(sid,i,\sigma_i) - verify
Is 8x Speedup Really True?
MPC-CMP enables digital asset transactions to be signed in just 1 round, meaning that itĀ offers the fastest transaction signing speeds of any MPC algorithm by 800%.
The Fireblocks release describes that MPC-CMP requires only one round of communication compared to GG18, which requires nine rounds, as "8x faster". However, this comparison is not appropriate.
In the MPC-CMP method, the secret computation of
Furthermore, a reduction in rounds does not necessarily mean an increase in speed. Generally, the number of communications and the amount of calculation are in a trade-off relationship. Comparing the Pre-Sign of Gennaro and Goldfeder and This Work, the MPC-CMP has 40n more ring operations and the total amount of data required for communication is about twice as much. Furthermore, the number of zero-knowledge proofs required is also three more in MPC-CMP. In other words, the computational cost of MPC-CMP is higher.
Considering the above, claiming that āMPC-CMP is eight times fasterā is an exaggeration. In order to confirm which is faster, it is necessary to compare them by implementation benchmarks under LAN/WAN communication.
Security Analysis
Is UC-Security safer?
In this article by Fireblocks, it is stated that MPC-CMP only satisfies UC-security, and is therefore described as having the highest level of security in the industry.
UC-Security (Universally Composable Security) is a framework used for the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols. First, an Ideal Function is defined, which outlines the security requirements. Then, a Real World Protocol is defined, which determines the protocol that the attacker and participants execute. It is then proven that the attacker can achieve the Ideal Function in the Real World Protocol. Finally, it is demonstrated that this can be composed with other UC securities.
The table below shows the Ideal Function and Real World Protocol defined in the GG18 and MPC-CMP methods.
GG18 | MPC-CMP | |
Ideal Function | 1. Authorized set of parties may generate a valid signature for any message. |
- Unauthorized set of parties cannot compute a valid signature for a message that has never been signed before. | 1. Authorized set of parties may generate a valid signature for any message.
- Unauthorized set of parties cannot compute a valid signature for a message that has never been signed before. |
| Real World Protocol | 1. the attacker controls t parties. - The attacker has access to a signature oracle for messages of his choice.
- The attacker wins the game if he can generate a valid signature for a previously unsigned message. | 1. the attacker controls 1 party.
- The attacker has access to a signature oracle for messages of his choice.
- The attacker wins the game if he can generate a valid signature for a previously unsigned message.
- The attacker can query the data (
) for a message-independent signature. |g^{k-1}
Indeed, the UC-Security has not been proven in the GG18 method. However, as mentioned above, the safety of both has been proven at least. Rather, the Real World Protocol is more advantageous for the attacker in GG18. Therefore, it is not possible to say definitively which is safer.
Risk of Key Endangerment
While it has been proven that the mutual forging of signatures is impossible, the possibility of key share leakage has not been addressed. Therefore, there is a risk of giving away secret value information as parties execute the protocol.
In GG18, they were preventing the adversary from getting information about
Identifiable Abort
In the derived proposal[7][9], an addition of a feature called Identifiable Abort, which can identify a malicious party when the protocol fails, is proposed. This allows to mitigate the above risks by banning any party that has ever performed a malicious execution.
Safety of Commitment
GG18 used the Trapdoor Commitment Scheme, but a similar commitment is achieved with Paillier Encryption and zero-knowledge proof. While the Trapdoor Commitment Scheme is an information-theoretically safe algorithm, zero-knowledge proof is a computationally safe algorithm.
Safety of Pre-Sign
In Groth's research[10], safety analysis of ECDSA's presignature is performed. At RWC2022, an attack and countermeasure against Threshold ECDSA have been proposed.
Assumptions in security proofs
The proposed method should note the following assumptions. If these assumptions are not followed, safety cannot be guaranteed.
- Parties are authenticated in a secure manner to participate
- A secure communication channel is established between parties
Attack methods using implementation bugs
In the attack method announced by ZenGo in 2020, three types of attack methods, "Forget-and-Forgive", "Lather, Rince, Repeat", "Golden Shoe" are introduced. "Forget-and-Forgive" is a method where Party C sends a malicious value only to B out of A and B in the key refresh phase, B aborts it but A accepts it and discards the old key share, permanently locking A's assets. The other two methods also restore the user's key share by using non-standardized cryptographic primitives or skipping verifications of proofs that should originally have integrity.
The Alpha-Ray Attack method announced by ZenGo in 2021 is a method where one party completely restores the secret key via running the signing protocol for several times by leaking one bit of the secret key in the MtA Protocol. This is an attack method limited to when the size of the Paillier secret key is small, but since most implementations did not verify the key size, the attacker was able to attack using a Paillier key with a small key size. Rosario, the author of GG18, explained that this bug was caused by a typo in the paper.
The attack method called BitForge, discovered by Fireblocks in 2023, is a derivative of Alpha-Ray, and takes advantage of the fact that it doesn't check the factors of Paillier's public keys, allowing the attacker to use composite numbers for the keys p and q that should originally be prime numbers, and restore the secret key through several signatures.
All of the above attack methods are not attacks on the cryptographic protocol, but rather on the implementation flaws. It's important to be careful, as anything can be dangerous depending on how it's used.
MPC-CMP is a relatively new method and no such attack methods have been reported yet. However, attacks are often found over a span of 10 years, so continued caution is necessary.
Threshold ECDSA itself is also a new technology, with practical proposals only being made in 2018. Continued research is needed for users to be able to use it safely.
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